Role Assessment Score (RAS)
Job Evaluation System
A modernized job evaluation (JE) system that captures today's working environment. To provide a more refined and user-friendly JE experience, we have also developed RAStrack, a web-based job evaluation platform.
The premise behind job evaluation is that every job can be measured and distilled to a number. That number can then be used to determine relative ranking of jobs within an organization and can also be used to measure external market competitiveness.
Our consultants have created the Role Assessment Score (RAS) system to help our clients classify and structure their jobs in a clear and robust manner.
RAS JE System
The RAS Job Evaluation system is effectively a point-factor based system with 5 components and a total of 8 factors.
Components are based on the pay equity factors of skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions
The system has two distinct scales; one for individual contributors and one for managers, that both correlate to the same point system
The Components

Definitions, examples, and training provided for all users

Modern System
Reflects the impact of your everyday working environment on your job

Your own terminology may be incorporated into definitions and system documentations

Quick Mapping
Easy translation from outdated JE systems

Easy Maintenance
Subscription-based software available for ongoing
JE maintenance

Pay Equity Compliant
Designed from the ground up with pay equity considerations

Intuitive Questionnaire

Transparent Tracking

Support from CGP

Exporting Capabilities

Categorization & Filtering Abilities

Efficient Record-Keeping
The Components
Interested in learning more about job evaluation?
Please contact us to get more information!